Tuesday, April 3, 2007

2007 - 2008 Tuition and Fee Schedule

** Tuition and fee schedule provided for informational purposes only and may contain typos. Final tuition and fee schedule is available through the school office.

$260 - Non-refundable registration fee per student (Annual fee for new, incoming, returning, and Kindergarten students)
$210 - Technology fee per family
$300 - Activities fee per family
  • General assemblies, copyrights for plays, seed money for 2 PTG events, decathlon, other special programs which may include Art, Music, or Performances.
  • Also includes $10 per student for PTG Room celebration fee

$125 - Kindergarten fee per student

All fees listed above are due by June 9th 2007 at time of registration

$800/Year - Non-active or out of parish fee per family; This fee will be added to monthly tuition

Tuition Fees:

Number of Students

One - $3,500 (annual payment, due 8/1/07), $1750 x 2 (semi-annual payments, due 8/1/07 and 1/8/08), $350 x 10 (Monthly payments due 8/1/07 - 5/1/08)

Two - $6,350 (annual payment, due 8/1/07), $3,175 x 2 (semi-annual payments, due 8/1/07 and 1/8/08), $635 x 10 (Monthly payments due 8/1/07 - 5/1/08)

Three - $7,800 (annual payment, due 8/1/07), $3900 x 2 (semi-annual payments, due 8/1/07 and 1/8/08), $780 x 10 (Monthly payments due 8/1/07 - 5/1/08)

** $100 Discount when all tuition and fees paid in full by August 20, 2007.

Cash for tuition will no longer be accepted in the school office.

Credit card information/authorization must be submitted to the school office before the 10th of the month.

Other fees:

$25 per book, due by June 9, 2007 - Yearbook (optional)

$25 - 8th grade honors computer class fee, due by September 30, 2007

$60 - 1st Communion fee (2nd Grade) due by October 15, 2007

$225 - 8th Grade graduation fee, due by November 15, 2007

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