March 8, 2007
Meeting started at 7:05 pm.
Attendees: Danny Potter, Donna Kulleck, Brian Cruelle, Cecile Guerra, Michelle Viele, Diane Rodriguez, Joseph Leon, Jennifer Cendejas, Nancy Mejia, Rusty Hernandez, Joe Chavirra
Information Provided: Total number of service hours from school parents = 55; 15 of which must worked on the festival. $30/hour will be charged to parents who do not make their 15 hours commitment for the festival. (Source: Beatitudes School Board)
Discussion Items:
- Sponsorship: Booth sponsors get a 1 foot x 6 foot banner. Brian Cruelle usually does it for the festival at cost.
- What game booths to keep -- it was decided that we will table further discussion on game booths for the following meeting. Brian Cruelle will provide the list of available games from the vendor we work with. We might also consider those games that we can do for free to reduce expenses.
- Ideas for raffle prizes -- it was suggested that we look at alternatives for raffle prizes other than cash. Plasma and DLP TVs are relatively inexpensive.
Decisions Made:
Booth Sponsorship - $300
Action Items:
- Donna K - Determine what school year will be applied for service hours for school parents. For example, the 8 March meeting -- will the 1 1/2 hours count for the 2006-2007 school year?
- Brian C- Acquire permits for conditional parking and variance -
- Brian C - Acquire permit list from Nancy A, rectory
- Brian C - Follow-up with George DelCarmen on Platinum and Gold sponsor
- Cecile G - Finalize list of Festival openings and provide to Donna
- Cecile G - Follow-up with Victor Globa on status of his inquiry for raffle sponsorship/discounted printing
- Danny P - Follow-up with Tim Crawley/Joe Monarrez on status of their inquiry with a Wine Company for possible wine tasting opportunities at the Festival
- Diane R - Check into rental costs for margarita booth
- Danny P/Joseph L/Brian C - Follow-up with their friends/contacts about the loan of a laser gun to be used to detect speed for a possible game to be played at the festival
- All - Identify possible festival sponsors and send names to Cecile G. Sponsors needed include: Paper goods, soda, beer, bottled water, toys (to be used for prizes). Does anyone know a big-wig at the local car dealership for potential donation to be used as our grand prize?
- All - Send ideas for entertainment to Michelle Viele, entertainment chair
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Next meeting set for Thursday, March 29, 2007
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